Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Product Plug

I almost don't feel like this is the place to plug a product, so excuse me as I veer away from what one might label as 'the norm' for this blog.

I'm an eczema sufferer, and I've spent the past two years trying to find a product that does something to soothe the itching rash that, at times, wants to take over my entire body. I did get some relief from my family's naturalist doctor: http://www.bestnaturaldoctor.com/ He found a cream for me that contains calendula, but it's so far out of my price bracket, that I could only use it once.

Luckily, I recently came across a Honey & Calendula lotion by Kiss My Face that does the trick at half the price. I'm plugging it here because it is a natural product.

Did I hear someone say, "So What?"

The next time you pick up a lotion, read the ingredients it contains out loud. If you stumble in your pronunciations, you might want to ask yourself what exactly is in that lotion your using. See, the thing with the chemicals that most manufacturers put in their products is that they're often created in a lab somewhere using various materials that have to be fabricated. This means that extra resources are being expended (because you'd be surprised at he petroleum products involved). On top of that, consider the fact that this is something that you put on your skin. It's not like the polyester pants you throw in the washer, or the plastic sunglasses you paid $200 for. This is something you slather on your flesh to help it... not poison it. One of the things I noticed with eczema was that usually, the more weird shit that was in the lotion ingredients, the worse it would make my skin. For instance, I can officially no longer use self-tanners for the shit they put in them to dye the skin.

If you don't believe me, Kiss My Face is also disseminating it's own 'propaganda':

"The molecular structure of essential oils is very close to that of the fluids and oils of our skin, accounting for our skin's natural affinity to them. They are readily absorbed and penetrate to the deepest skin layers. Regular use of essential oils in skin care has been proven effective in helping correct problems such as wrinkles, excessive oiliness, dryness, blemishes, and tone. Essential oils have the capacity to promote the elimination of dead cells, regenerate new ones and to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria."

If this interests you, I've found the product in local natural food stores and various other retail stores which carry "Kiss My Face" products. I believe even Giant carries it in their grocery section. You can also find the specific lotion I'm touting at: http://www.kissmyface.com/natmoistpages/natmoisturepage.html - third one down on the left = Honey & Calendula.

Anyway, you can now return to your regularly scheduled blog entry.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I'm just going to mention here that I will be keeping a Vacation Blog while visiting relatives in Alabama for anyone who happens to peruse this blog. It will either be extremely boring or riddled with humorous anecdotes and quotes.

I'm hoping for the latter, myself.